I have noticed over the weeks that more and more people are finding this blog. They might be wondering why I am doing this and it's a really simple answer... this is my online recipe book. Over the years I have made things that basically turn into one offs as I can never remember exactly how I did it, like the vegan crab cakes I made a long time ago. Still no idea where that recipe is. This way, as I make something, especially the ones that I really like, I can have a record it. It also helps that I can access the recipes on my phone while in the kitchen. Am I losing weight eating these things? YES! As long as I am fairly strict in what I am eating, without a doubt I am losing weight eating all of these good meals. However, like most people, I am weak and I do the yo-yo thing at times as well. Right now, as I type this out, I am back on the winning end, or the losing depending on how you look at it, of this battle. Again, this is just for me, but if you are someone else that happens to find this and sees something the think they might enjoy making... by all means go for it! ENJOY! Thanks! :) Ken